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noviembre 1, 2022

U.S. plurality

During their involvement in the global conflict, a total of 16 112 566 US citizens served in the various branches of the armed forces, resulting in a total of 405 399 killed and 671 278 wounded.[4] Of the 130 201 US prisoners of war, some 14 072 died or went missing while in captivity. [5] U.S. military operations included not only ground, air and maritime combat forces but also intelligence, logistics, health, command and administration units, and included military assistance (operational, logistical and informational) to its allies, especially the United Kingdom, and also the Soviet Union in the early stages of the war, including arms, ammunition and means of transport.

In addition to the forces deployed on the various fronts, a large part of the US economy was devoted to military production, with massive involvement of the citizenry.[6][7] By the end of the war, US industry had produced some 86,000 battle tanks, 193,000 artillery pieces, 298,000 aircraft[8] – including light fighters, bombers and transport planes – and two million armed vehicles of all types. In turn, U.S. shipyards had built a total of 6768 ships, including aircraft carriers, battleships, frigates, cruisers, submarines, and amphibious assets.[6] In addition, the U.S. shipyards had built a total of 6,768 ships.

American masculine or feminine

Beaches are some of the main tourist attractions, and are exposed to sea level rise and erosion. In Puerto Rico, critical infrastructure such as drinking water and sewage pipelines and pumping stations, wastewater treatment plants, and power plants are susceptible to the effects of sea level rise, storm surges, and flooding. In USVI, there is historic infrastructure and buildings in the sea level rise inundation area. Exposed assets include power plants on St. Thomas and St. Croix; schools; residential communities; the towns of Charlotte Amalie, Christiansted, and Frederiksted; and water and sewer pipelines. Critical cargo ports, ferries, and cruise ship terminals are at risk from extreme weather and weather-related events, in addition to being vulnerable to sea level rise. Major airports in San Juan, Puerto Rico, and St. Thomas are also located in coastal areas.

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Estadounidense en español

La Guerra de Secesión estadounidense fue un conflicto entre pro-esclavistas y abolicionistas que intentaron resolver la desigualdad existente entre ambas razas. Aunque esta postura ha sido mejorada desde entonces, merece la pena detenerse en una frase que se emplea habitualmente en la historiografía: “La guerra se libró para salvar la Unión”. Se trata de una frase vacía de contexto, por lo que este artículo propone que la guerra se consideró la única forma posible de mantener la estabilidad del sistema político estadounidense y, en definitiva, del Sistema Federal.

United States

Our America is an anthology that tells the stories of prominent Latino figures such as pioneers Luis Alvarez and Sonia Sotomayor; artists Celia Cruz and Lin-Manuel Miranda; activists Cesar Chavez, Sylvia Rivera, and Emma Gonzalez; military veterans Olga E. Custodio and Macario García; and businessman and health advocate C. David Molina.

Some of the featured figures include Sylvia Acevedo, Luis Walter Alvarez, Sandra Cisneros, Roberto Clemente, Celia Cruz, Olga Custodio, Laurie Hernandez, Dolores Huerta, Jennifer Lopez, Sylvia Mendez, Lin-Manuel Miranda, C. David Molina, Rita Moreno, Jorge Ramos, Sonia Sotomayor and many more!

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