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noviembre 16, 2022

Bungee jumping cofio, madrid, irr headfirst and from

*** Back to school in Baja California Sur school year 2021 – 2022 updated: 10 – January – 2022 *** It is time to go back to school after the winter break. However, the current conditions due to the flu pandemic are…

*** Back to School Hidalgo update: 10 – January – 2022*** Want to know more about Back to School 2022? You’ve come to the right place! In the following article we summarize the most important information about the back to school…

*** Back to school in Colima school year 2021 – 2022 updated: 12 – January – 2022 *** Do you want to know information about the school outlook for this 2022 in Colima? Then you’ve come to the right place. In this guide we will tell you…

Have you ever heard of the flipped classroom method? Do you know what this educational method consists of? Currently, educational systems are looking for alternative strategies to optimize educational performance. Therefore, we invite you to read this article until the end…

#updateyourdata #benitojuárezscholarships.

Have you already deposited the September payment of the Pensión del Bienestar para Adultos Mayores 2022? According to the payment schedule of this social program, the deposit must be made during the first days of the month.

Some beneficiaries have reported that they have already started receiving the deposit of their senior pension. Through social networks they have shared that, when checking the balance by telephone, the deposit for the September-October two-month period has already been made.

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The problem with the availability of funds is not new. Last month something similar happened when beneficiaries tried to withdraw their pensions at the ATM, at the Banco del Bienestar teller window or even when making a purchase, the system indicated that they had no funds.

The recommendation is to stay informed through official channels, such as the social networks of the Welfare Secretariat, and to be patient in order to withdraw their senior pension.

Recently, the Secretaría del Bienestar denied several rumors circulating in social networks, in which it is assured that the next payment of the Pensión del Bienestar para Adultos Mayores 2022 is cancelled.

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The Representative of the Mexican Government in Colima, Indira Vizcaino Silva, announced that the Ministry of Finance has already released the first resources to cover the “Benito Juarez” Scholarship, which is universal and benefits high school students of the entity, who in addition to what corresponds to the September-October bimester, will also receive the November-December bimester in advance, that is, they will receive a double scholarship.

Vizcaino Silva explained that in a first stage, the Treasury has released the resources corresponding to the payment of two bimesters for 9,672 high school students, who will be receiving their payment order as of next Monday, November 25, once the delivery operations that are already being organized are ready.

The important thing, said Indira Vizcaino, is that the Treasury is releasing the resources, “and with this, once again, our President shows that he is a ruler who knows how to fulfill his commitments”.

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EnterCentro de Estudios Tecnológicos Industrial y de Servicios No. 33 “Carlos María de Bustamante “First semester students, you can now check your status of the Benito Juárez scholarship at the following link: we ask you to keep an eye on this link, as we will inform you of the steps you must follow to complete your registration.RegisterStudents of 3rd and 5th semester who have pending payments of their scholarship, can check their status in the status search engine, and if they need to schedule their scholarship, they can do so by clicking here.

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