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Pension adultos mayores puebla

noviembre 14, 2022
Pension adultos mayores puebla


Although each State publishes its own calls for applications and establishes its own requirements, in this article we will explain, in general terms, what the SNDIF’s Despensas Program for senior citizens consists of.

We hope we can help you with this information, please share it with other people who need it, we invite you to leave in the comments your experience if any of your family members or friends of the elderly have benefited from this program.

The food supply program for senior citizens, promoted and coordinated by the State and Municipal Governments, provides its beneficiaries with a monthly grocery basket of essential products from the basic food basket.

Remember that we also leave at your disposal our FAQ section that you can consult if something is not completely clear.    You can also leave your questions and opinions in the comments.

Pago Bienestar || News with Juan Carlos Valerio

This was announced by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador in a dialogue with the media, where he presented advances in the distribution of the support because “it is a right that all the country’s senior citizens have, it is not a handout”.

“It is fundamental about the Welfare Bank to not use cash, because it avoids corruption, in the first place, and prevents assaults; and that is why the plan is to have 13 thousand branches of the Welfare Bank located in strategic communities.”

“They are going to have internet service, because this goes hand in hand with the program to connect all the communities in Mexico. Part of the backwardness we have is measured in that there is no internet in 75 percent of the territory and there are no banking systems to carry out financial operations.

READ  Pensión adultos mayores bienestar gob mx citas

During her speech, the Secretary of Welfare, María Luisa Albores González, reiterated that the new Welfare policy is focused on the universality of human rights, the life cycle of each person, as well as social and community participation. In this sense, it seeks to eliminate clientelist and welfare practices, and support is received directly through bank cards.


Through the Strategic Evaluation of Social Protection in Mexico, conducted by CONEVAL in 2014, it is known that, in 13 federative entities we can find initiatives with similar objectives to that of the PAM, which include monetary transfers and in-kind support. Within the state programs that make monetary transfers to older adults we can find the following[1]:

State initiatives are duplicated with the “universal pension” of the federal government, increasing the non-contributory pension expenditure made by the country and generating inefficiencies in the allocation of the budget or expenditure. Likewise, it can be observed that the amounts of social pensions are not comparable with the welfare lines, which implies that they do not provide a minimum income floor.

The problem with non-contributory pensions is that they are financed by current spending, which implies that they are paid by people who do pay taxes and contributed to a pension system, while they are demanded mainly by those who did not enter the formal labor market and did not contribute to their pensions. In addition, there are duplications in this benefit for the elderly, since there are states that grant both schemes (federal and state).

READ  Donde se tramita la pension de adultos mayores

“advantages and disadvantages of modality 40 of the imss” talk

In an effort to protect the health of everyone, efforts are being redoubled so that, as soon as possible, the delivery of the Pension for the Welfare of the Elderly and People with Disabilities, instructed by the President of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, is concluded, which in this case consists of delivering the two-month periods March-April and May-June in advance.

For senior citizens who receive their resources through the Bienestar Card or any other bank card, the delivery of the pension corresponding to the March-April two-month period was deposited on March 10 and on March 23 the two-month period corresponding to May-June was deposited in advance. Therefore, it is requested to review the account statement to verify the deposit for the amount of 2,620 pesos for each two-month period, making a total of 5,240 pesos.

Meanwhile, if the pension payment is in cash, it began to be delivered as of March 26, through the State Delegations of Development Programs with the support of the Banco del Bienestar and Telecomm, which will continue to be delivered house to house and, if necessary, at meeting points.

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