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Pension adultos mayores noviembre

noviembre 14, 2022
Pension adultos mayores noviembre


The eligibility criteria for the target population in the Support modality, established in the Rules of Operation, will not be retroactive for those beneficiaries who had requested their incorporation to the Program in said modality before December 31, 2016.

In this modality, the target population are individuals or legal entities, who wish to establish and operate a Child Care Center, or who have spaces in which they provide or intend to provide child care and attention services for the target population of the Program in the modality of Support for Working Mothers and Single Parents, in accordance with the criteria and requirements established in these Operating Rules and its Annexes. For the support granted in section 3.5.2. of the Operating Rules, the beneficiaries shall be the persons in charge of the Child Care Centers affiliated to the Program.

In order to identify and quantify the Program’s target population that is among the 6.1 million people living in extreme food poverty, which is the target and potential population of the social, comprehensive and participatory policy strategy of the Crusade Against Hunger, the criteria established by the National Council for the Evaluation of Social Development Policy must be met, and once these characteristics have been identified, preferential attention will be given to this group of people.


La seguridad económica es un objetivo de protección social integral, dimensión de la política de vejez y elemento clave en la calidad de vida. Su alcance difiere según el grado de transición demográfica, el desarrollo económico y los objetivos de protección del Estado. En Cuba, a través de la Ley 105/08, se garantiza el acceso mensual a la pensión mínima de vejez. En este trabajo se propone un índice estructurado en ocho dimensiones y determinado con el apoyo del análisis multivariado y las aplicaciones del SPSS V.22, que permite una base metodológica para abordar la gestión pública, integral y social del envejecimiento.

READ  Padron de beneficiarios pension para adultos mayores


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The different types of funds are differentiated by the proportion of their resources invested in variable income financial securities, which are characterized by a higher risk and a higher expected return.

Members can choose the type of fund in which they want their resources to be invested, according to their preferences and needs in terms of risk and return; for example, younger members may prefer a fund with a higher level of risk and expected return, while older or already retired members may prefer a fund with minimal risk, in order to minimize fluctuations in the value of their pension.

READ  Pensión alimentaria para adultos mayores de 60 años

The pension funds belong to the members of the mandatory individual capitalization system and have no relationship with the capital of the pension fund manager (AFP).

The function of the AFP is to manage the pension savings of individuals, so that all the profits produced by the investment of these resources belong to the members and are destined to increase the balances of their respective mandatory individually funded accounts.

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