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Como inscribirse en jovenes escribiendo el futuro

febrero 9, 2023
Como inscribirse en jovenes escribiendo el futuro

Online incorporation application form

Research: Masters and PhD student interns help solve a range of diverse technical problems on large platforms using machine learning, big data sets, and cloud computing. These student interns help create innovative algorithms that model patterns within data to drive large-scale automated decisions for all corners of the enterprise.

Entrepreneurial: These undergraduate and graduate internships have full responsibility for a high-profile project partnering with key customers and business groups. All are excellent starting points for developing a deep understanding of the business while building analytical and problem-solving skills.

Typical student internships consist of a data-intensive, analytical, strategic project focused on a real business problem, and is representative of a full-time position. Student interns will be fully responsible for a high-profile project in which they will have to cooperate with key clients and business groups. The opportunities offered by this internship range from being with expert leaders to acquiring general business skills that help execute corporate strategies.

Subes registration

These fellowships are offered to women scientists from science and technology lagging behind (STLC) countries to conduct their doctoral research in the natural sciences, engineering sciences, and information sciences and technologies at an academic institution located in a country in the Global South.

If you are having difficulty obtaining the required documentation for your application, please click HERE for more information and guidance. The self-certification form can be downloaded in PDF or Word format.

The program is generously funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) and is offered in collaboration with host institutions throughout the developing world.

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The overall purpose of this fellowship program is to contribute to the emergence of a new generation of women leaders in science and technology, and to promote their effective participation in the scientific and technological development of their countries.

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To stimulate participation, the project is based on games and group dynamics. It is, therefore, an entertaining project, which promotes reflection and values of social responsibility, having three backbones: the person, the environment and the center or institution in which the young person is located.

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Becas jóvenes escribiendo el futuro

Las Becas Benito Juárez para el Bienestar buscan fortalecer una educación incluyente y equitativa, ampliando las capacidades asociadas a la educación de la población que se encuentra en situación de pobreza o en condiciones de vulnerabilidad. El programa otorga becas en educación inicial, primaria y secundaria a niñas, niños y adolescentes de familias beneficiarias, con el fin de incentivar su inscripción y egreso escolar. A partir de 2019, este programa sustituye los componentes educativos del Programa de Inclusión Social PROSPERA.

i) Primary Education Scholarships/Becas de Educación Básica; ii) Universal Scholarship for Secondary Education Students/Becas Universal para Estudiantes de Educación Media Superior; iii) Youth Writing Future/Becas Jovénes Escribiendo el Futuro.

CEPAL s.f. “Becas Benito Juárez para el Bienestar “. Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe, Sitio web de la Base de Datos de Programas de Protección Social no Contributiva. <>. Consultado el 01 de octubre de 2019.

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